Back on the bike, but I have a long way to go . . .

My cycling sabbatical is finally over. After almost 3 months, I’m back on the bike. However, I have a long way to go from a “fitness” perspective. I’m actually going to do a field test soon with my power meter to see just how much fitness I’ve “lost”.  I’m also going to stick to my Paleo/Primal diet, so I’ll post updates for how I adjust my diet around training and on-the-bike eating. Riding for the next few weeks won’t have any specific goals while I decide what event(s)/goal I want to focus on in 2011. A few ideas for 2011:

  • Focus on road racing again (attempting to earn enough points to Cat-up).
  • Finally get a mountain bike and train for the Leadville 100.
  • Mt. Hood Classic stage race

I’m open to suggestions . . .

One response to “Back on the bike, but I have a long way to go . . .

  1. Pingback: Setting goals – 5w/kg | Texas Tailwind

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